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5 minute Friday escape

Need a little five-minute Friday escape, my friend?

Well now you can take one with our favorite friends that we don't actually know.

(You won't want to spoil this escape with people yelling or fighting or playing lightsabers in the background. That may ruin it. So take the laptop into a room with a door that locks. It's OK. It's only 5 minutes. What's the worst that can happen in 5 minutes? Oh yeah, that. Well, it's worth the risk.)

You know, this makes me so very happy.

So happy that I can forgive his wearing of shirts with a mandarin collar.

This is just the escape I needed today.

{Thanks Jules. You know what we like over here.}

And P.S. We need a new Cake & Cotton playlist. Mixpod. Please. Let's do it. This song first.



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